Whoever said physics was easy was wrong. That person was wrong because the first three chapters are extremely hard and therefore there is a lower chance of the next chapters being easy. I know that keeping a positive mind is necessary and important in order to do it, but as of now the negative mind takes over. My biggest question is why is physics so complicated? I believe a physician would think am crazy, but it turns out that it goes from easy to hard in no time. For example: we were doing right triangles last week and everything seemed easy, but then there came angles which made right triangles hard. My most confusing moment is when I read a question and then am supposed to use two to three formulas to find one answer. It kills me when there is only one piece of information and you need 6 pieces. This week in physics was short and not fun because I did not learn all the problems we did although I learned a few, not enough. In preparation for the upcoming test, I went through all the home work for chapter 4 and I still don’t know how to figure out what information is missing and how much of it is needed to answer the question being asked. Now I still have hope that I will at least learn how to tell what kind of info I need by the end of the week.
The more positive side of this week in physics class was that I learned how to solve for x and y using cosine, sin and tangent. I also can now plug numbers and pieces of information into the formula to solve a problem in that class. I did not participate in the nerf gun fight because I had a lot of work to catch up on and I did not think I would like it. Although I did not participate, my classmates had a good time doing it.

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