Thursday, September 1, 2011

Saving Energy

It takes one step at a time to change the world. One light bulb can be the beginning of a world changing process. The more people who take the step the more energy we save. Here are a few easy steps we can take to save energy: Don't leave lights on when they are not in use, turn off the TV when no one is watching it and turn off the radio if its not in use. During warm weather set the thermostat at 78 degrees and in cold weather set the thermostat at 68 degrees or lower during the day and evening if health allows. Most people may not realize their impact on the environment but in truth we all affect our environment in both positive and negative ways. If you take a step to saving energy, you will be one of the many fair citizens who strive everyday to save our beloved environment. Encouraging your friends to recycle and save energy will add 4 years to your life time so that you may have a longer life. If we save energy, we will gain a few prizes these include: lower energy bills, we will not run out of limited sources such as petroleum or natural gas. You can also reduce your CO2 emissions (the biggest contributor to human-induced global warming. You can reduce your smog emissions (nitrous oxides and sulfur dioxide) for any energy you use that was produced using fossil fuels - especially energy that comes from coal.
Being a good citizen of your environment requires you to be faithful to it because we need to live it just the way we found it for the generations that will come after us. We are called to serve one another; saving the environment will be our tribute to someone else’s life.


  1. Being a good citizen of your environment requires you to be faithful to it because we need to live it just the way we found it for the generations that will come after us. We are called to serve one another; saving the environment will be our tribute to someone else’s life.
