AT the end of each chapter, Dr. Rosen details a list of
things that can be done to combat each techno-disorder. One often-suggested
solution is to take a “tech break.” In other words, if overusing your iPador
iPhone is making you crazy, maybe you should stop using it so much. For those
combating some form of techno-addiction, Dr. Rosen advises regularly stepping
away from the computer for a few minutes and connecting with nature; just
standing in your driveway and staring at the bushes, research shows, has a way
of resetting our brains
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Texting till you drop
Mathematics to solve everyday problems

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Red Wine Good for… Really?
Based on studies on animals, scientists have found that
components of red wine seem to improve intestinal health, promoting the growth
of beneficial bacteria. Research on human subjects is limited. But one recent
study that examined the claim was published in The American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition. Researchers found that both types of red
wine produced improvements in the bacterial composition of the gut, lowered blood pressure and
reduced levels of a protein associated with inflammation. Slight improvements
in gut flora were seen among gin drinkers, but the effects in the wine drinkers
were much more pronounced.
The bottom line to this is that red wine can help digestive
health. Although it is beneficial to our health, we should not use it as an
excuse to drink wine excessively. We learn to use natural things in our world
in order to save the planet. If drinking wine will save our lives and animal
lives, then we have got to test it and proceed from there.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Human Ear
When the frequency of the compression wave
matches the natural frequency of the nerve cell, that nerve cell will resonate
with larger amplitude of vibration. This increased vibration amplitude induces
the cell to release an electrical impulse that passes along the auditory nerve
towards the brain. In a process that is not clearly understood, the brain is
capable of interpreting the qualities of the sound upon reception of these
electric nerve impulses.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Consciousness and Unconsciousness

There are distinctions that are not immediately obvious, such as the difference between being unresponsive and being unconscious. “Patients under general anesthesia can sometimes carry on a conversation using hand signals, but postoperatively, they deny ever being awake. Thus, retrospective oblivion is no proof of unconsciousness”, says Dr. Alkire. The standard measure of unconsciousness is that a subject or patient does not respond to commands. By that standard, when a subject responds, he’s conscious.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Studies show that the earth came close to the sun and moon in that winter, which enhanced their gravitational pull on the ocean producing tides. They also continue to suggest that high tides refloated masses of icebergs traditionally stuck along the coastlines of Labrador and Newfoundland and sent them into the North Atlantic shipping lanes. A mirage occurs when cold air bends light rays downward. The light reflected made it impossible for the Californian to aid the Titanic because it could not clearly see what was coming. The captain of the Califonian claims to have seen another boat not the Titanic through the mirages. There may be a mysterious boat since the captain did not stop because he did not see a huge liner (Titanic).
Thursday, April 5, 2012
This is interesting because it allows people with severe disabilities to communicate better. The researchers tested the machine on Dr. Hawking’s and the results were Dr. Hawking’s ability to communicate diminishes as his disease progresses. Scientists not connected with Dr. Low say they are encouraged by the iBrain’s potential. “Philip Low’s device is one of the best single-channel brain monitors out there,” said Ruth O’Hara, an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University Medical School. She plans to use the iBrain for autism studies. NeuroVigil has not said what the device will cost. Patients want to be able to communicate beyond the yes or no with an eye blink. They want to send an e-mail, and turn off the light and, even more; to have a meaningful conversation and the Ibrain will help them achieve that goal. Monitors like the device mentioned above are also being used to assess whether experimental neurological drugs are working in clinical trials.
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